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Roll Out Nest Bottom

£4.95 excl VAT

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SKU: 1219 Category:

These plastic roll out nest bottoms are suitable for all the Solway nest boxes- as well as the new modular chickboxes. The design of these bottoms will allow eggs to roll out from under the laying hen- making them easy to collect and preventing them from becoming soiled. For extra protection- we also sell nest bottom lids- which shield the eggs from pecking. To fit these bottoms- simply fold up the pre-marked flanges and use the springiness of the plastic to hold the bottom securely in place. The fact that they can be removed makes them extremely hygienic and easy to maintain- and they are particularly handy in hen houses and coops which are known to be vulnerable to red mites and lice. For additional comfort- we also sell nest bottom pads- which fit into the egg tray and encourage birds to lay. With a little planning- these simple bottoms could even be used in your own design of nest box. The overall dimensions of the rollout nest bottom are: 17" (43cm) long x 12"(30cm) wide x 3" (8cm) deep- so the dimensions of the nest where the hen sits must be: 12"(30cm) x 12"(30cm) x 3" (8cm) deep when making the hole for the nest bottom- the gap must be 11" (28cm) wide x 12.5" 35cm long. Allow at least 16" (41cm) from the bottom of the nest to the roof of the nest to create a slant which will allow eggs to roll out.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg

84362900 Origin United Kingdom