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Liquid Egg Wash (1 Litre)

£8.54 excl VAT

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SKU: 3320 Category:

Liquid egg wash ia a combined liquid antibacterial detergent used for egg washing and it is ideal for use with automatic egg washers.

To use simply add one part liquid to two hundred parts water and stir well. The warmth of the water and the gentle agitation of the motorised base, will soon have eggs looking crisp and clean. Liquid egg wash is also suitable handwashing, making this traditional chore easier and faster than ever before. Soak the eggs for three minutes in the wash solution, then remove them from the water and use a cloth to wipe off any dirt still remaining. You can repeat the process in the same water until it is too dirty to use.

Dimensions: 330mm wide x 320mm high weight: 1.1kg  1Ltr

Additional information

Weight 1 kg